10 Biblical Signs You Are Not Saved Genuinely: With Bible References

Many believe they are saved, yet the Bible warns that not all who claim Jesus Christ as Lord are truly born again. If you lack assurance of eternal life, it’s time to be careful and examine the signs that may prove you are not saved. Keep reading to discover relevant Bible references that will confirm where you stand in your personal relationship with God!

10 Biblical Signs You Are Not Saved Genuinely: With Bible References

Warning Signs You Are Not Saved

Warning Signs You Are Not Saved

Here are the clear signs that may prove you are not saved and need to carefully examine your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

1. Unbelief in Jesus Christ:

Christianity teaches that faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of salvation (John 3:36). If someone rejects the Son, they remain under the wrath of God, as eternal life comes only through the Savior (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). A fundamental truth in the Christian faith is that without trusting in Christ, one is not saved.

I have encountered many who struggle with belief, thinking their good deeds will suffice. But the Bible makes it clear without faith in Jesus, no one can be saved.

2. Lack of Repentance:

True repentance means turning away from a sinful nature with genuine remorse (Luke 13:3). Without a change in behavior and a heart that seeks to please God, one’s salvation is questionable. Jesus emphasized that those who refuse to repent will perish.

I’ve seen people claim faith but continue in sin without sorrow. Real transformation begins when we no longer find comfort in sinful ways.

3. Absence of Conviction and Assurance:

The Holy Spirit convicts true believers of sin and gives them assurance of salvation (Romans 8:16). Without this inner witness of being children of God, one lacks the certainty of true repentance and adoption into God’s family.

Many people I’ve spoken to struggle with doubt because they don’t experience conviction. A true believer feels deep sorrow over sin and a longing for righteousness.

4. Lack of Fruit of the Spirit:

A life without the fruit of the Spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control lacks evidence of spiritual growth (Galatians 5:22-23). A true believer shows commitment to God’s Word and reflects these virtues in daily life.

I’ve seen how true transformation makes people more loving and kind. When someone lacks these, it’s a serious warning sign.

5. Continual Practice of Sin:

While Christians may struggle with sin, a lifestyle of consistent, unrepentant, and intentional sin suggests one is not saved (1 John 3:9). True believers experience conviction, feel remorse, and strive to turn away from sinful habits.

I’ve met people who justify sin, believing grace covers everything. But true salvation always leads to a desire for righteousness.

6. Absence of Love for God and Others:

Jesus emphasized love as the heart of Christianity love for God and one’s neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39). Those who have truly experienced the transformative power of salvation will have a heart that longs to serve others (1 John 4:7-8, 1 John 3:14).

I have seen people claim faith yet harbor bitterness. A changed heart always reflects love.

7. Lack of Desire for God’s Word:

The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is essential for spiritual growth (Psalm 119:11). A true believer has a hunger for Scriptures, seeking its guidance, comfort, and nourishment to align their life with God’s will.

Those I know who lack this desire often drift away from faith. Loving the Word of God is a sign of genuine faith.

8. Lack of Transformation:

Salvation brings radical transformation (2 Corinthians 5:17). A person in Christ becomes a new creation, leaving behind old sinful habits. If one remains unchanged, they should question their obedience and true commitment to God.

I’ve seen how true faith transforms even the hardest hearts. A lack of change raises doubts about one’s salvation.

9. Apathy Towards Spiritual Things:

True believers have a hunger for a relationship with God through fellowship, prayer, worship, and serving (Hebrews 10:25). Indifference toward these matters signals a lack of genuine salvation.

I have noticed that those who stop prioritizing their faith soon fall into spiritual darkness. True faith keeps one engaged in God’s presence.

10. Lack of Perseverance:

True believers persevere in faith, even through challenges and trials (Luke 9:62). Those who fall away when difficulties arise reveal a lack of commitment to following Christ.

I have seen people give up when tested, proving their faith was shallow. Genuine faith endures all storms.


If you recognize these warning signs in your life, it’s time to carefully reflect on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. True salvation brings transformation, a deep desire for God’s Word, and the assurance of being born again. Don’t ignore the Bible’s clear message seek repentance, embrace faith, and commit fully to the Savior before it’s too late.


What are the signs of a true believer?

You can look for signs of their fruits: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control. You can ask them about their faith, and they will have answers. You can ask them for their personal testimony of their belief, and they can tell you.

How do I know I am saved according to the Bible?

Many have been told to look for such spiritual thrills, but the Bible says that a man is “justified by faith” (Romans 3:28), and not by feeling. A person is saved by trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross and not by bodily sensations and religious ecstasy.

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